The Linux job market is hot, and Linux developers are being offered better paying, more flexible, and more fulfilling jobs than many of their peers. If you’ve been thinking of joining the ranks of Linux developers, then you’ve come to the right place. In this course you’ll learn:
- The history of Linux and what differentiates it from other UNIX-like operating systems
- What the main ingredients of a Linux system are and how to use them
- The essentials of system administration, such as user accounts and groups, essential commands, filesystems, security, and more
- Networking and threading models
- Aspects of compiling and using libraries
- Working with Java under Linux
- And much more
The information in this course will work with any major Linux distribution.
This course is for students who are already experienced computer users on another operating system, but have limited or no experience working in a Linux environment.
- Introduction
- Open Source Software
- Why Use Open Source Software?
- OSS Licensing and Legal Issues
- Linux and the Operating System
- Graphical Environments and Interfaces
- Getting Help
- Text Editors
- Shells, bash, and the Command Line
- System Components
- System Administration
- Essential Command Line Tools
- Command and Tool Details
- Users and Groups
- Bash Scripting
- Files and Filesystems
- Filesystem Layout
- Linux Filesystems
- Compiling, Linking and Libraries
- Java Installation and Environment**
- Building RPM and Debian Packages
- Introduction to GIT
- Git Installation
- Git and Revision Control Systems
- Using Git: an Example
- Git Concepts and Architecture
- Managing Files and the Index
- Commits
- Branches
- Diffs
- Merges
- Managing Local and Remote Repositories
- Using Patches
Wer möchte, reist bis 22 Uhr am Vortag an und nutzt den Abend bereits zum Fachsimpeln am Kamin oder im Park.
An Kurstagen gibt es bei uns ab 8 Uhr Frühstück.
Unsere Kurse beginnen um 9 Uhr und enden um 18 Uhr.
Neben den kleinen Pausen gibt es eine Stunde Mittagspause mit leckerem, frisch in unserer Küche zubereitetem Essen.
Nach der Schulung anschließend Abendessen und Angebote für Fachsimpeln, Ausflüge uvm. Wir schaffen eine Atmosphäre, in der Fachleute sich ungezwungen austauschen. Wer das nicht will, wird zu nichts gezwungen und findet auch jederzeit Ruhe.