Performance and High Availability with MySQL Cluster
MySQL is used more and more often in business critical applications. If you have to process a huge amount of data in short time and High Availability is a requirement a simple Master/Slave replication is not sufficient anymore.
To close this gap, MySQL Cluster is made for unless you do it right. But this high performance tool has also its rough edges. In this course you will get an overview about the different High Availability solutions of MySQL. And you will learn, how a MySQL Cluster is set-up and operated correctly and what he does not like very much.
The whole is first covered in theory and then we exercise the most important steps together in practice.
The participants should be used in using the Linux console and cope with the most important UNIX commands.
Further the participants should be already familiar with MySQL and the SQL language. For this please have a look at the contents of the courses MySQL and SQL.
Short overview over MySQL architectures
- Replication
- Active/passive fail-over Cluster
- MySQL Cluster
- 3rd Party solutions
MySQL Cluster basics
- MySQL Cluster background
- General cluster concepts
- MySQL Storage Engines
- MySQL Cluster Architecture
- Replication and data distribution in MySQL Cluster
Installation and Configuration
- Installation of the MySQL Clusters
- Configuration
- Starting the MySQL Cluster
Operating a MySQL Cluster
- The Management Client
- The Event Logs
- Single User Mode
- Typical MySQL Cluster configurations
- Upgrade of a MySQL Clusters
Disaster Handling
- Failure Detection
- The Network Partitioning Protocol
- Node Recovery
- System Recovery
- Partial start of a Clusters
- Backup and Restore
MySQL Cluster Internals
- Two Phase Commit
- Indexing with MySQL Cluster
- The Directory Structure
Advanced MySQL Cluster techniques
- MySQL Cluster Tuning
- Upgradeable Options
- Limitations of MySQL Cluster
- MySQL Cluster/Cluster Replication
MySQL Cluster New Features 7.2
- Distribution of MySQL users and privileges in the Cluster
- Distributed Push-down Joins
- Memcache-API for MySQL Cluster
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