Zammad Administrator

Zammad is an open source helpdesk/support system and issue tracking system, which serves the coordination and answering of inquiries of any kind.

The application supports clients, agents and management equally intelligently in the structured capture, processing, documentation and evaluation of all internal and external matters.

This training is aimed at administrators who want to run Zammad and project managers who want to introduce Zammad.

We turn you into a professional regarding installation, configuration, use of power features (text building blocks, macros, etc.), integration of channels such as Twitter, Facebook, email, chat and email forms. We also familiarize you with the possibilities of user/rights management, backup and restore, scaling and high availability.

Dieser 2-tägige Kurs besteht aus 1 Modulen, die auch einzeln gebucht werden können:

Trainer und Dozenten

An experienced employee of Zammad GmbH (the company of the OTRS inventor and founder Martin Edenhofer) holds the training. Often Martin is not afraid to hold the training himself. The contents are individually tailored to your company and your ideas and can be designed by yourself.


The administrator training course is aimed at future Zammad administrators who will operate Zammad independently in their organization and perform administrative tasks. Recommended skills:

  • Basic knowledge of web-based software architectures
  • Experience in Administration of Linux or Unix systems
  • Good practical knowledge of the protocols and services for DNS, SMTP, POP3 and HTTP ( as it is e. g. in our Linux Network Services Training which are taught in the course)
  • Practical exercise in dealing with text editors, z.B. vi, UltraEdit, ...
  • The part "Connecting to a directory service" requires practical knowledge of the functionality and structure of a directory service (MS Active Directory, OpenLDAP, Novell eDirectory, ... ).



  • Typical use cases
  • The Zammad glossary

Core object and their features

  • Ticket
  • User
  • Organisations

The Zammad agent interface

  • Creation of tickets
  • Editing of tickets

The Zammad admin interface

  • Administration of users, groups, organisations, etc.

The Zammad customer interface

  • Creation of tickets
  • Editing of tickets

Authorization concepts

  • Users (agents and customers)
  • Connecting to LDAP
  • Connecting to Exchange

Installation of Zammad

  • Platforms
  • Requirements
  • Installation of Zammad by RPM
  • Backup and restore

Channel integration

  • Email
  • Chat
  • Web forms
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Telegram

Power features

  • Text modules
  • Macros
  • Zammad file system hierarchy
  • Directory structure
  • Scripts and tools
  • Performance tuning
  • Full-text search
  • Attachments


  • Scaling
  • High availability
  • The REST API
  • Integration: Reporting with Grafana and Kibana
  • Integration: i-doit
  • Integration: icinga/Nagios/Check_MK/Monit


Wer möchte, reist bis 22 Uhr am Vortag an und nutzt den Abend bereits zum Fachsimpeln am Kamin oder im Park.

An Kurstagen gibt es bei uns ab 8 Uhr Frühstück.

Unsere Kurse beginnen um 9 Uhr und enden um 18 Uhr.

Neben den kleinen Pausen gibt es eine Stunde Mittagspause mit leckerem, frisch in unserer Küche zubereitetem Essen.

Nach der Schulung anschließend Abendessen und Angebote für Fachsimpeln, Ausflüge uvm. Wir schaffen eine Atmosphäre, in der Fachleute sich ungezwungen austauschen. Wer das nicht will, wird zu nichts gezwungen und findet auch jederzeit Ruhe.