MariaDB and MySQL for advanced DBA's
MySQL/MariaDB is easily and quick to install. But what then? The amount of data grows, the database becomes business-critical...
In this course you will learn the different kinds of how to install MySQL/MariaDB, tricks for creating tables, querying or changing data and many other interesting useful commands.
Setting-up a database is one thing. But operations of a database is another thing. We will discuss the user privileges and the security concept of MySQL/MariaDB an look at the further steps which are necessary to operate a MySQL/MariaDB database.
Everybody has a backup and who thinks about the restore? You will learn what is important for backup and restore and what possibilities you have with MySQL.
Further the performance tuning is an important task. For most of the MySQL/MariaDB users it has the highest priority. You will learn a systematical way to find and solve MySQL/MariaDB performance problems.
Trainer und Dozenten
Oli Sennhauser was for 3 years working as consultant for the company MySQL. Now he is independent MySQL/MariaDB consultant for his own customers.
Thanks to his countless assignments he is very familiar with the matter. The learnings at his customers he passes later on to the next customers. Of course he incorporates all his collected know-how into this course.
The participants should be used in using the Linux console and cope with the most important UNIX commands.
Further the participants should be already familiar with MySQL/MariaDB and the SQL language. For this please have a look at the contents of the courses MySQL/MariaDB and SQL.
Backup, restore, recovery
- Differences between logical and physical backups
- charactaristical data about backup/restore and derived backup strategies
- export and import of data
- logical backup with
- Restore and Point-in-Time-Recovery (PiTR)
- physical backup with Xtrabackup and LVM
Master/slave and master/master replikation
- set up master/slave replikation
- Row Based Replication, RBR
- Semi-synchronous replikation
- Virtual IP
- read/write-ratio
Synchronous multi-master replikation with Galera Cluster for MySQL/MariaDB
- Aktiv/aktiv clustering
- possible load balancer
- Read- and write scaling with Galera Cluster
- Performance, what does this mean?
- kritical resources
- measuring
- influences on performance
System configuration
- Hardware
- Operating system (Linux)
- MySQL configuration (my.cnf)
- Schema tuning
- indexing
- SQL query tuning
- Tools: slow query log, MySQL profile, general query log, etc.
- Parallelization
- Skalierung, sharding and how the application can contribute.
- set up master/slave replikation
- Row Based Replication, RBR
- Semi-synchronous replikation
- Virtual IP
- read/write-ratio
Synchronous multi-master replikation with Galera Cluster for MySQL/MariaDB
- Aktiv/aktiv clustering
- possible load balancer
- Read- and write scaling with Galera Cluster
- Performance, what does this mean?
- kritical resources
- measuring
- influences on performance
System configuration
- Hardware
- Operating system (Linux)
- MySQL configuration (my.cnf)
- Schema tuning
- indexing
- SQL query tuning
- Tools: slow query log, MySQL profile, general query log, etc.
- Parallelization
- Skalierung, sharding and how the application can contribute.
- Performance, what does this mean?
- kritical resources
- measuring
- influences on performance
System configuration
- Hardware
- Operating system (Linux)
- MySQL configuration (my.cnf)
- Schema tuning
- indexing
- SQL query tuning
- Tools: slow query log, MySQL profile, general query log, etc.
- Parallelization
- Skalierung, sharding and how the application can contribute.
- Schema tuning
- indexing
- SQL query tuning
- Tools: slow query log, MySQL profile, general query log, etc.
- Parallelization
- Skalierung, sharding and how the application can contribute.
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